19 Images that capture why we love St Patrick's Day
1. Try dressing like this guy any other day of the year

2. It's always sunny... sometimes

3. The fact that this St Paddy's parade needs YOU!

4. The fact that playing fiddle instantly makes you cool

5. The fact that facepaints are obligatory

6. ... even if you're hairy ...

7. ... and even if you're a dog.
They don't call this breed the Irish Wolf Hound for nothing.

8. This sneaky kiss between a fireman and a Paddy's Day reveller

9. The look of sheer pride on this little guy's face

10. These traditional dancers showing how this national holiday has become a truly international event

11. Outfits that include just about everything you can think of

12. The fact that leprechauns really do exist

13. Arriving on a skateboard - how else?

14. St Paddy's in Texas - green Stetson is optional

15. A straight-faced Munich parade shows the serious side of St Patrick's Day

16. Go big or go home

17. Stormtroopers marking St Patrick's

18. Failte Japan

19. This trad session in Moscow ... Stetson is still optional